키타 케이스로 보이는 검은 물체에는 하얀색 화이트로 "Primadonna"라고 적혀있네요.
얼마전 뮤즈 공연도 다녀오신 과장님께 얼른 물었죠. "과장님 혹시 프리마돈나 아세요?"
"응?? (유심히 다섯 아이들을 바라보며..) 모르겠는걸? "
의아해 있을 때쯤 줄 밖에서 20여명의 여성팬들이 우르르 몰려와 사진을 찍고 손을 흔들며 좋아하는 것이다.
누굴까? 궁금한 마음을 참지못해 (좀 미안하지만) 어떤 밴드인지 물었고, LA에서 온 밴드이며, 서울에서도 공연할 것이라는 것까지 알게 되었다. 그리고 그 공연이 그린데이 오프닝이라는 것도!
한국에 도착해서 검색해 보았어요.
Primadonna : www.primadonnarocks.com
KEVIN TYLER PRESTON - Singer & Guitar Slinger
AARON MINTON - Sexy Sax & Killer Keys
DAVID S. FIELD - Dirty Drums
ERIK ARCANE - Golden Guitar
DANIEL NYBY - Electric Bas A five-man high-energy machine, Prima Donna have only been on the scene for three years, yet in that time have knocked out over 325 shows, nearly a third of which were overseas. In 2009 the band supported Green Day for two months in the U.K. and Europe in sold-out arenas. In 2010 Green Day will bring Prima Donna back for two weeks in Asia. Their live show is a whirlwind of color, energy, bravado, volume and an avalanche of catchy, sing-along choruses. Clearly inspired by early punk groups such as X-Ray Spex, the Ramones, and the Sex Pistols as well as '70s glitter such as Mott the Hoople and David Bowie, the group's sharp n' concise songwriting sidesteps any notions of the group being "retro." How retro can a group be if their average age is 23? All of this live excitement and excellence caught the eyes and ears of Acetate Records, who in the past have had the good taste to issue music by such artists as The Hangmen, Throw Rag, Jackson United, The Black Halos and Nine Pound Hammer. Prima Donna's Acetate debut, After Hours, is a ten-song collection of all-original, driving Rock n' Roll. Song's like "Soul Stripper" and "Demoted" openly defy you to sit still, arranged to cause maximum sonic damage. Combining thick, rhythm guitars with stinging lead lines, the sound is explosive, propelled by ceaseless forward motion, yet never is melody sacrificed. Solos never noodle or shred - whether taken by Kevin (of Green Day side project Foxboro Hot Tubs) on guitar or Aaron on sax and keyboards, they are as soulful and melodic as the songs they support. Up front and center, Kevin proves to be the man of the hour, singing in a strong tenor that is at once sultry and swaggering, clear and unaffected. The group proved to be as at home in the studio as they are on the road. Co-producing the album with Messiaz (Eddie Spaghetti, Neila, Monique Powell, Ladykillers), the band's pure vision of what Rock n' Roll is permeates every track. Muscular riffs, to-the-point lyrics, killer licks, songs that get themselves over with in under three minutes - it ain't a formula if you're living it. These guys live it, all year 'round, on the road, in the studio, in the street. |
기념으로 사진한장 찰칵! 매우 친절하게 대답해주고 팬들을 소중히 여기는 것 같아 보기 좋았습니다. 환영해주는 팬들에게 기념 뱃지도 주고 하네요 제일 가운데 있는 사람이 리더격인 케빈이라는 것 말고는 정보가 부족해요 ㅠ-ㅠ
아무튼 홍콩공항에서 짧은 시간동안 즐거운 추억을 만들었습니다.
덕분에 그린데이 내한공연 후기도 좀 읽었네요.. 못간 아쉬움을 후기로 달랬습니다.
후기 읽어보니 오프닝 무대가 괜찮았다는 호평이 많았습니다. 무엇보다 그린데이가 직접 찍어서
함께 투어를 다닌다는 거셍 50%정도의 신뢰를 얻은 것 같아요.
음악 하나 걸어봅니다.
저도 마음에 드네요 ~
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